Chinese available only as the media published our interview in Chinese.
另一種新興職業,天天與喵星人和汪星人做朋友,一起玩耍或散步,返工要保持心情好,一派悠然自得最合適。「我們工作時一定要心平氣和,因為貓仔狗仔會感應到你的情緒。寵物保姆要好好照料牠們生活,也要關顧牠們感受。若你心情輕鬆,牠們會容易變乖,但若心煩氣躁,牠們也會緊張起來唔聽你話。」寵物保姆公司 Pet Sitting Diary 創辦人岑家柱(Sam)和周樂盈(Angela)說‵。
Sam 和 Angela 飼養寵物多年,一個是貓奴,一個是狗癡,與家中寶貝心有靈犀一點通。Sam 舉例說:「貓貓好懂事,能看懂人心意。有時我唔開心,牠不會鬧著要我陪牠玩,而是靜靜坐在我身旁,像想為我分憂一樣。」
照顧寵物 要有腳力
他們大學主修商科,畢業後發覺不少寵物主人需要上門照顧寵物服務,於是靈機一觸,在 2016 年成立 Pet Sitting Diary,實行化興趣為事業。Sam 說,寵物保姆在外國較為流行,在港則剛起步,保姆要照顧寵物衣食住行,不單餵食,還要替牠們梳毛、刷牙、清潔大小便、玩耍、出街散步等,照顧時數按主人需要而定。「工作最滿足之處,是與寵物建立感情。曾照顧一隻貓貓,牠起初不喜歡我,對我不瞅不睬,經過一段時間照顧後才開始慢慢接受我,後來每次去牠家,牠更會站在門後等我,想我和牠玩耍。」
照顧寵物不單要有愛心,還要有技巧。Angela 曾修讀國際寵物保姆組織 Pet Sitters International 的網上遙距課程,並考取相關資格,另亦修讀了犬隻訓練證書。她形容工作充滿挑戰和新鮮感,要按寵物個性而制訂策略。「有些狗狗不喜歡陌生人,初次見面有點兇,你不宜和牠面對面有眼神接觸,最好是能用 P 字狗帶和牠行街,當你與牠並排而行,牠會更覺你是同伴,有助增進感情。」
公司現聘有 10 位寵物保姆,若想加入這一行,基本要求是為人開朗有愛心。「但要有心理準備工作不輕鬆,有時一日內去齊港九新界,要好有腳骨力。」
Pet Sitting Diary was established in 2016. Our mission is to provide the best pet care & professional dog train services for our clients. Our services include cat/dog sitting, small animal care, dog walking, and overnight pet sitting. Pets are happier and healthier to stay at their own home especially when their owner is absent. Meanwhile, we also help take care of your dogs when you are at a wedding party. Wouldn’t you like to engage your dog into the best moment of your life? We are here to get you covered.
Apart from pet sitting service, we also provide dog training courses for both owners and dogs. Dogs with behavioural problems could lead to undesirable outcomes such as disharmony family life or even surrendering. Fortunately, proper dog training helps to improve or to prevent dog behavioural problems. The bonding between the dog owner and the dog will also be reinforced by participating in the course together.
Our pet grooming service features grooming pets at home. Pet owners just need to reserve our service and our certified pet groomer will drop in your home and provide the requested service.